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My Passion for Technology

There have been a number of posts here on WaxPoRhetoric about following your passions. Ah…speaking of posts, I apologize for the long lapse since my last posting. I’ve been kinda busy working on…well…a passion of mine!

Just what exactly am I talking about? I’ve been working on an iPhone app called LocaJot with a small mobile app development group Ecmodeyo. As we know, I have a wee-bit of passion for technology (I mean, I AM writing to you from a blog that I’m posting) and for creating things. Having the opportunity to work with these guys was awesome in itself and then you add the fact I get to help create something? Awesome!

I urge you all to find something you’re passionate about and just go to town. It can be a hobby, a potential business, a healthy endeavor…whatever it is, it will do great things for your mind and soul.

It’s easy to get home from work and do nothing because you need to “recover from the day” but far too often that ends up being your entire night, your week, your month…and what do you have to show for your free time (time not at work)? Uh oh! Take a walk (I enjoy being outdoors). Create a new dish. Draw a picture. Write something (funny, informative, deep…whatever you feel). There are SOOOOO many things you can do that you probably haven’t even thought of. Me…I’m looking forward to writing again. Hopefully you’re ready to soak in all my ponderings about passions soon enough.

If you’d like to take a look at what we’ve created, you can go to LocaJot.com or find the app directly at http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/locajot/id453391031. If you have any questions about it you can reach me here or via the contact methods on the LocaJot site. I’m following in my mother’s footsteps…creating something and putting it out there. Thanks Mom.

Now to make sure I follow my own advice and continue on with my passions…