All travel related posts will now appear at www.SendMeOnATrip.com and you can see this particular article at www.sendmeonatrip.com/chia-in-novograd-volynski-ukraine-day-1-part-1/. A partial post of the original will remain here for people that have bookmarked and/or shared this article URL. Finally, another installment from my trip to Ukraine. This will be recapping my first full day in Novograd-Volynski…a small town about 200km
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All travel related posts will now appear at www.SendMeOnATrip.com and you can see this particular article at www.sendmeonatrip.com/chias-first-day-in-ukraine-part-3/. A partial post of the original will remain here for people that have bookmarked and/or shared this article URL. Ukraine has been on my mind a lot lately. Well, it tends to be on my mind a good bit considering it’s
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All travel related posts will now appear at www.SendMeOnATrip.com and you can see this particular article at www.sendmeonatrip.com/chias-first-day-in-ukraine/. A partial post of the original will remain here for people that have bookmarked and/or shared this article URL. Alas, the time has finally arrived where I get to experience Ukraine for what it really is. I’ve done my research online,
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All travel related posts will now appear at www.SendMeOnATrip.com and you can see this particular article at www.sendmeonatrip.com/chias-ukraine-trip-travel-day-1/. A partial post of the original will remain here for people that have bookmarked and/or shared this article URL. Finally…some time (and getting over a cold) to start posting about my trip to Ukraine that I’ve been gushing about to everyone.
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All travel related posts will now appear at www.SendMeOnATrip.com and you can see this particular article at www.sendmeonatrip.com/my-life-changing-trip-to-ukraine/. A partial post of the original will remain here for people that have bookmarked and/or shared this article URL. I just returned from a trip to Ukraine and have to share this life changing experience as I can’t shake it from
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Are you happy? It seems like a simple question. The automatic response would be “yeah, I am.” Of course, that’s the problem with many answers these days…the automatic response. And sadly (sadly?), most automatic responses don’t involve real thought and generally involve “Good” or “not bad” answers. Are these true? Doubtful. Before we all think “oh boy, here comes a
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As a partial-continuation of “Do We Have a Purpose In Life?” I ponder how I can help others. I firmly believe I have a few things that I’m meant to do in life and it’s time to take these “tasks” seriously. I don’t really want to use the term “task” because it has a fairly down connotation like it’s some
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There’s no doubt that the pace of life has been speeding up as time marches on. Compare today’s lifestyle with that of someone from the 18th century and you won’t see very many similarities. We are increasingly finding the need for instant gratification…we need our food now, our news now, faster internet…we need it now!!! Interestingly enough, as we keep
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What is your outlook on life? Optimistic? Pessimistic? Indifferent? Do you learn from life’s lessons? Do you strive to be better or do you simply coast through life. There are a lot of people on this planet and there are a lot of different personalities. Some are go-getters while others seem to be under-achievers. Some seem to have all the
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Hello my fellow Wax Porhetoricians (Hm, I still need to think of a good name for us, don’t I? Feel free to leave some suggestions). A few days ago I was rearin’ to write as my mind was spinning with all sorts of goodness. Then, as things tend to happen in our crazy modern lifestyle, I let time pass as
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