The title says it all…I’ve pretty much cut processed grains out of my diet and I feel great. It’s been a fairly long-standing trial as I tested this and I can honestly say I enjoy it all. So, how did I get here? Was I always like this? Oh no…I used to eat my cereal in the morning and loved
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Are you eating correctly for your body? Does this question make any sense to you? Why do you eat? The answer most people give “because I’m hungry”. Makes sense to me! I mean, when we are hungry, our body tells us so and thus we try to do something about it. It’s all about self-preservation. Our body needs nutrients, it
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What do you really want? Seriously…don’t just say “I want happiness” or “I want to be successful”. Those are pretty vague statements and really won’t get you very far. To get what you want, you need to define what you want. When you go to the grocery store, sure, you need food but you usually have some specific items in
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My last post had me rambling on how I was at peace with my mother’s condition and my words with her that day. Interesting timing of that post given that she passed away later that night in a peaceful and dignified way. I had a feeling that it was going to be the day and that’s why I was so
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Hello fellow Wax Porhetoric life travelers, It’s been a very very trying couple months. Trying to celebrate life as we watch a loved one slowly leaving us. Life as I know it is soon going to change forever. 95% of the time I’m ok…we (“we” being myself, my mother, my family, my friends) talk about the wonderful woman that is
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So there I was, staring at my vision board and I realized most of the things on there involved either a geographical location or events that depend on geographical locations and it made me wonder how big a role geography plays in our happiness. Let us ponder for a moment. First, how happy are you right now? Now ponder, when
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Hola loyal readers, it is time once again for me wax poetically about things that make me happy. Today is a simple mix of a material thing such as a magazine but also the work that goes into it. As some of you know, I too have been affected by this rough economy and I was laid off about a
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