Archive for the 'People' Category

A Letter To My Mom – 2012

Hi Mom, It’s Mother’s Day 2012, my third Mother’s Day without you. Let me start off by saying I miss you so terribly much. So much has happened in the years that passed since you were taken from us. So much to tell, both good and bad. You were the best mother I can ever imagine having and I guess
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My Passion for Technology

There have been a number of posts here on WaxPoRhetoric about following your passions. Ah…speaking of posts, I apologize for the long lapse since my last posting. I’ve been kinda busy working on…well…a passion of mine! Just what exactly am I talking about? I’ve been working on an iPhone app called LocaJot with a small mobile app development group Ecmodeyo.
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You Don’t Have To Struggle While Following Your Passions. Just Ask Sir Richard Branson

I came across this article in American Express Open Forum about Sir Richard Branson giving advice to recent grads. In it he talks about following your passion rather than chasing any particular career. His advice rings truer than ever as the rate of change for needed skills today is cruising at an enormous speed. Why study for a particular skill
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Following Your Passions Is Not Always Easy

Happy 2011 fellow passion followers, life livers, life lovers. It’s occurred to me that many posts are about following your passions and living life to the fullest. I do realize however that it’s not always the easiest path to take. That’s not necessarily a bad thing but I understand that when I’m saying “go follow your passions”, some people may
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Help Me In My Quest To Help Others

As a partial-continuation of “Do We Have a Purpose In Life?”  I ponder how I can help others. I firmly believe I have a few things that I’m meant to do in life and it’s time to take these “tasks” seriously. I don’t really want to use the term “task” because it has a fairly down connotation like it’s some
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One Way To Spend The Anniversary Of A Loved One’s Death

There are many ways to deal with the passing of a loved one and there are also many ways to deal with each of the “firsts” that occur after that, as well as the anniversary of their death. Last week was the one year mark since my mother passed away from pancreatic cancer. She was my best friend, a great
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Almost Six Months

Almost Six Months It’s been almost six months since my mother passed away. I can honestly say this is by far the hardest thing that I have ever gone through. I’m coping, I’m managing, but understandably I still have my moments. I feel very fortunate to have a very loving family and a very great group of supportive friends that
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Life After Death

My last post had me rambling on how I was at peace with my mother’s condition and my words with her that day. Interesting timing of that post given that she passed away later that night in a peaceful and dignified way. I had a feeling that it was going to be the day and that’s why I was so
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I Am At Peace Now

I’ve been spending every day at hospice to see my mother. Not wanting to miss a moment of time with her, not wanting to have any regrets of “I wish I would have told her this” or “I should have said that” after she’s gone, I’ve been by her side daily telling her I love her and that I know
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The Best Lessons My Mom Ever Taught Me

My mom has taught me many lessons throughout life. Obviously when I was a young child she taught me the basics of life. However, as I got older many of the lessons that I learned from her were not “taught” per se but more of observations on my part…observations on how I should live my life in order to be
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