Dear Mom, you probably think this blog is about you. Well, guess what…you’re right, it is. It’s been a while since I’ve written to you to let you know how things are. Life is still so very different since you left us a few years ago. Gone are the days where I call you each weekend just to give you
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Hi Mom, It’s Mother’s Day 2012, my third Mother’s Day without you. Let me start off by saying I miss you so terribly much. So much has happened in the years that passed since you were taken from us. So much to tell, both good and bad. You were the best mother I can ever imagine having and I guess
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My last post had me rambling on how I was at peace with my mother’s condition and my words with her that day. Interesting timing of that post given that she passed away later that night in a peaceful and dignified way. I had a feeling that it was going to be the day and that’s why I was so
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I’ve been spending every day at hospice to see my mother. Not wanting to miss a moment of time with her, not wanting to have any regrets of “I wish I would have told her this” or “I should have said that” after she’s gone, I’ve been by her side daily telling her I love her and that I know
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My mom has taught me many lessons throughout life. Obviously when I was a young child she taught me the basics of life. However, as I got older many of the lessons that I learned from her were not “taught” per se but more of observations on my part…observations on how I should live my life in order to be
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I’ve obviously been a bit tied up for the past couple months as my mother deals with pancreatic cancer. I just sent an email off to a friend (we call him the Egg Man) and he had asked how she was doing. I sent the following…and realized just what an inspiration this woman is. I almost wish she was a
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Hello my fellow Wax Porhetoric folks, lovers of life and pursuers of passion… I apologize for the long drought of posts. A wonderful woman currently holds my attention. This woman being my mother, my best friend. She’s recently been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and we’re doing what we can to keep things good with her so she can kick that
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So there I was, staring at my vision board and I realized most of the things on there involved either a geographical location or events that depend on geographical locations and it made me wonder how big a role geography plays in our happiness. Let us ponder for a moment. First, how happy are you right now? Now ponder, when
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