All travel related posts will now appear at www.SendMeOnATrip.com and you can see this particular article at www.sendmeonatrip.com/chias-first-day-in-ukraine/. A partial post of the original will remain here for people that have bookmarked and/or shared this article URL. Alas, the time has finally arrived where I get to experience Ukraine for what it really is. I’ve done my research online,
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All travel related posts will now appear at www.SendMeOnATrip.com and you can see this particular article at www.sendmeonatrip.com/my-life-changing-trip-to-ukraine/. A partial post of the original will remain here for people that have bookmarked and/or shared this article URL. I just returned from a trip to Ukraine and have to share this life changing experience as I can’t shake it from
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Are you happy? It seems like a simple question. The automatic response would be “yeah, I am.” Of course, that’s the problem with many answers these days…the automatic response. And sadly (sadly?), most automatic responses don’t involve real thought and generally involve “Good” or “not bad” answers. Are these true? Doubtful. Before we all think “oh boy, here comes a
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There have been a number of posts here on WaxPoRhetoric about following your passions. Ah…speaking of posts, I apologize for the long lapse since my last posting. I’ve been kinda busy working on…well…a passion of mine! Just what exactly am I talking about? I’ve been working on an iPhone app called LocaJot with a small mobile app development group Ecmodeyo.
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I came across this article in American Express Open Forum about Sir Richard Branson giving advice to recent grads. In it he talks about following your passion rather than chasing any particular career. His advice rings truer than ever as the rate of change for needed skills today is cruising at an enormous speed. Why study for a particular skill
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Do we have a purpose in life? Great question, isn’t it? I mean, we’re not really here just to eat, sleep, work, pay bills, and die, are we? I like to think we aren’t. I like to think we all have a purpose. First a quick disclaimer…more of this “why am I here?” thinking is the result of the death
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What do you really want? Seriously…don’t just say “I want happiness” or “I want to be successful”. Those are pretty vague statements and really won’t get you very far. To get what you want, you need to define what you want. When you go to the grocery store, sure, you need food but you usually have some specific items in
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Can you be happy wherever you are? Sure you can. However, sometimes you have to really try for this happiness while other times it comes natural. There have been many discussions and debates as to how you can or cannot be happy wherever you are. First…what is it that makes you happy? Defining what makes one happy makes it easier
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My last post had me rambling on how I was at peace with my mother’s condition and my words with her that day. Interesting timing of that post given that she passed away later that night in a peaceful and dignified way. I had a feeling that it was going to be the day and that’s why I was so
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