Are you happy? It seems like a simple question. The automatic response would be “yeah, I am.” Of course, that’s the problem with many answers these days…the automatic response. And sadly (sadly?), most automatic responses don’t involve real thought and generally involve “Good” or “not bad” answers. Are these true? Doubtful. Before we all think “oh boy, here comes a
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When you wake up in the morning, do you think “how shall I leave my legacy today?” as you prep for the day? Maybe later on as you’re in traffic fighting other commuters are you pondering what legacy you shall leave? When you’re buried in your tasks at work…again…are you thinking what legacy you shall leave? Chances are, the answer
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The title says it all…I’ve pretty much cut processed grains out of my diet and I feel great. It’s been a fairly long-standing trial as I tested this and I can honestly say I enjoy it all. So, how did I get here? Was I always like this? Oh no…I used to eat my cereal in the morning and loved
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There have been a number of posts here on WaxPoRhetoric about following your passions. Ah…speaking of posts, I apologize for the long lapse since my last posting. I’ve been kinda busy working on…well…a passion of mine! Just what exactly am I talking about? I’ve been working on an iPhone app called LocaJot with a small mobile app development group Ecmodeyo.
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I came across this article in American Express Open Forum about Sir Richard Branson giving advice to recent grads. In it he talks about following your passion rather than chasing any particular career. His advice rings truer than ever as the rate of change for needed skills today is cruising at an enormous speed. Why study for a particular skill
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Just what is a coincidence? Is it really just a random set of circumstances happening together? Or is there greater meaning to it? Some people say there’s no such thing as coincidence while others dismiss them completely. Where do you stand? Longtime readers of Wax Porhetoric (I’m still trying to figure if I should make this one word or two.
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Happy 2011 fellow passion followers, life livers, life lovers. It’s occurred to me that many posts are about following your passions and living life to the fullest. I do realize however that it’s not always the easiest path to take. That’s not necessarily a bad thing but I understand that when I’m saying “go follow your passions”, some people may
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Never underestimate the power of observation. When is the last time you observed something? I mean REALLY observed something? Not just looked at it, but observed it… This thought occurred to me as I am house/dog sitting for a friend. I’ve owned dogs in the past but haven’t had one in a loooong long time. Watching his two dogs interact
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As a partial-continuation of “Do We Have a Purpose In Life?” I ponder how I can help others. I firmly believe I have a few things that I’m meant to do in life and it’s time to take these “tasks” seriously. I don’t really want to use the term “task” because it has a fairly down connotation like it’s some
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