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Finding Inspiration In Those Around You

It’s been an interesting couple of months as most of my life revolved around looking for new work (ah, the joys of being a contractor…blehhhhh). One forgets how sucky it is looking for a new gig until they’re thrown in it and realize they have no time to do anything else in life. But alas…every now and then I’ve been able to pull my head out of the search and enjoy things around me.

I’ve been getting so many sources of inspiration for so many aspects of my life all around me lately. As stressful as a job search can be, these things make me pause and put a big smile on my face. I’m happy for those that are experiencing these things and it’s also inspiration to keep me going. It’s also a good kick in the pants that I need to get off my rump and do something.

Being fairly involved in the music scene here in Atlanta it’s always fun to go see shows and support my friends. To me it’s not just seeing music (which I enjoy immensely) but it’s supporting those who are out there pursuing their passions (music) and reaching for a goal. It’s fun. I help them out as much as I can (right now I’m trying to help one band line up some shows around the country as they get ready to tour. Am I getting paid? No. Do I care? No. I enjoy helping them achieve their goals). I’ve also got friends (mostly Santa Cruz but also here in Atlanta) that are making major strides in their business endeavors and it’s just damn exciting to see. I love hearing about what they are doing, what new deal they are working on, and my head spins as I ponder how I can help them and it also gets my entrepreneurial juices flowing. I also got word just yesterday that a friend who has just recently taken up riding (a road bike…she’s been mountain biking for a bit but just took to the skinny tires half a year ago) has been invited to join a pro cycling team. Rock on! As I pondered all of this and more on my way to work I also thought of my cousin and her two kids. She once told me how proud she was to be a good stay-at-home mother. Judging by how much her kids rock (they do…some of the most amazing kids I’ve ever met and I can’t wait to see them again) it’s clear she’s done a good job. To some readers this may seem as a bit of a tangent from the other events that I’ve just listed, but it’s not. It’s inspiration that we can all be good enough at something that in turn makes others go “I can do that”.

So what has all this inspiration done for me? It’s made me want to grab my bike and gear (currently being stored at a friend’s house since I have no room in my current apartment) and start riding. I miss riding and seeing her be invited to join a pro team has got me all revved up. It had me working on a business plan last night that I had been sitting on for far too long. It’s had me pondering how I could be even more involved in the music scene here after dropping off a bit over the past half year or so. And it of course has inspired me to make sure I am not losing myself in my own hectic life and make sure I am a positive influence in all those around me. It’s also made me ponder what the American Dream is (you can read about this particular rant on ChiaTown if you’d like) and how I’m going to achieve it.

There’s some good energy flowing around right now and I just want to recognize it and make sure I’m participating in life also. Participation is so much more enjoyable than just being a spectator. I’m hoping that simply reading about these different things awakens people enough to see inspirations in their life and that it helps give them that boost they need to get out there and live life to the fullest.