Archive for the body Tag

Keeping Yourself Sane and Motivated

Hello fellow Wax Porhetoric faithful, I apologize for the lapse in postings. I, like many others out there, am dealing with the nuttiness that life hands us. Sometimes I’m just too tired, other times too busy, and sadly sometimes my brain is too frazzled to contribute. Alas, this posting is a great reminder not only to myself but to others
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Find What Makes You Happy…Then Do It

Hello to all the loyal readers and newcomers to Wax Porhetoric. Today we shall wax poetically (and you will enjoy my rhetoric…oh yes you shall!) about finding what it is that makes you happy in life and how you should just do it. Many people in this world will say that is a childish view of things. Is it really
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Don’t Forget To Take Care Of Your Body

Stressful times abound! We’re all coping with high unemployment rates, a crazy stock market, a housing market in the crapper. We’ve gotta stay sane. Don’t forget to take care of that body though! Healthy body…healthy mind. Oftentimes we end up spending more time focusing on the problems and tend to neglect our bodies. It’s a funny (ok, maybe “tragic” is
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